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MACRO Rebrand

MACRO Rebrand

MACRO Studios, a disruptor in Hollywood, wanted to launch a social media overhaul to attract a bigger following. With an amazing corporate mission- to enable artists of color to make the film and TV content they want- I couldn’t help but think of this main tagline for their rebranding strategy.



I had the amazing opportunity to work on viral marketing content for this Sundance festival gem. It’s a hilarious, mind-bending journey of a film, so I designed social media content that would match the irreverent tone.

London Film Academy (Web Content Dev.)

London Film Academy (Web Content Dev.)

I wrote for a series of online banner ads and website pages promoting the new semester of film classes at LFA. This was so much fun to work on because I had to write with an entirely new demographic in mind: The British.

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 *Note: I may or may not be able to get you a discount for the classes.

*Note: I may or may not be able to get you a discount for the classes.

Skillman Video Group (Web Content Dev.)

Skillman Video Group (Web Content Dev.)

While at Skillman Video Group, I was responsible for client shoots as well as developing their website. From the ground up, I worked on the home page headers, the body paragraphs, and regular blogs as well.

Client: Annie's Homegrown Ltd.

Client: Annie's Homegrown Ltd.

The target was working moms (25-40) looking for a way to give their kids healthy meals in a convenient and timely manner, without having to compromise. Annie's easy-to-make meals are the perfect fix for this problem. No Hassle, Just Healthy.

(Spec work): ChapStick

(Spec work): ChapStick

ChapStick is unique in that it's brand has become the de facto term for an entire product category, thus superseding its original purpose. I worked on a spec campaign that would refocus the brand and target millennial males (18-35), because this demographic is a large share of lip balm consumers that are left out of advertising. Thus, I wanted to suggest that men should feel just as comfortable taking care of their lips as women.

(Spec work): Springfree Trampoline

(Spec work): Springfree Trampoline

Springfree trampoline is a New Zealand brand that has won numerous safety awards. I developed a commercial campaign that would highlight these safety features while simultaneously encouraging the imagination of children, closing with the above tagline.

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